Data Science

This is a list of goals I am trying to hit to become a more knowledgeable person in data science. It closely follows a post on reddit.

Practice Coding

  1. Easy questions on Leetcode
  2. Chapter 1-15 of CTCI
  3. Medium questions on Leetcode
  4. Chapter 16-17 of CTCI
  5. Hard questions on Leetcode
  6. Code Jam by Google

Online courses

  1. Introduction to Machine Learning by Andrew Ng
  2. Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition (CSI231N)
  3. Hadoop course by University of California, San Diego


  1. Elements of Statistical Learning 1-4 and 7-8
  2. Deep Learning book
  3. Elements of Statistical Learning 5-6 and 9-16
  4. Read arXiv for most recent papers


  1. Kernels on Kaggle
  2. PyTorch/Tensorflow projects