Data Science
This is a list of goals I am trying to hit to become a more knowledgeable person in data science. It closely follows a post on reddit.
Practice Coding
- Easy questions on Leetcode
- Chapter 1-15 of CTCI
- Medium questions on Leetcode
- Chapter 16-17 of CTCI
- Hard questions on Leetcode
- Code Jam by Google
Online courses
- Introduction to Machine Learning by Andrew Ng
- Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition (CSI231N)
- Hadoop course by University of California, San Diego
- Elements of Statistical Learning 1-4 and 7-8
- Deep Learning book
- Elements of Statistical Learning 5-6 and 9-16
- Read arXiv for most recent papers
- Kernels on Kaggle
- PyTorch/Tensorflow projects